By a will to capture the notion of time passing, the banana becomes a unit of measurement: by its random ripening and visible by a change of colors, the use of this banal object questions our relationship to time and the need to consume before the expiration date. On a metallic silver background, the poster evokes the scientific precision of chronometry instruments. Art Souterrain questions a society that imposes an ever faster productivity, devastating ecosystems.
Art Souterrain proposes a contemporary theme that resonates with the artists in its program. It is not only a question of proposing a graphic solution in perfect adequacy with the theme, but also of surprising. To explore, popularize and rework a complex concept into a simple idea, reduced to its simplest expression. The banana, by the absurdity of its random ripening, being at the antipodes of chronometry and its scientific accuracy, had this added value to the communication. Finally, the finished product had to have a contemporary look and a convincing impact.