Dumouchel Imperishable reveals the incessant creativity of Albert Dumouchel (1916-1971) through this publication dedicated to him. A major figure in modern printmaking in Quebec, an undisputed master of printmaking and a signatory of the Prisme d’Yeux manifesto, Dumouchel produced some 350 prints, 600 works (oils, acrylics and gouaches) and 1,000 drawings, confirming the importance of his legacy in Quebec and his contribution today. An ode to the disciplines advocated by the artist: drawings, prints and paintings, the concept of this printed piece is anchored to the transfer technique of the printing matrix, the same one made by the artist’s hand. These mirrored typographic compositions are harmonized in a sequence of alternating black and white canvases, with a strong emphasis on colour or monochrome works. The negative-printed cover reinforces this same concept in the manner of a matrix imprinted with black ink that superimposes four of the artist’s key works.