The 22-23 season is Mani Soleymanlou’s inaugural season at the helm of the National Arts Centre French Theatre. The new Artistic Director’s vision is to breathe new life into this important institution, with the NAC as its figurehead and driving force; a collective, inclusive and unifying project. This new season, entitled Singulier et pluriel du Théâtre français du CNA, is a bold move, with a special collaboration with illustrator Pony, who has created a host of motley and unusual characters for the occasion. These colourful compositions will be used to punctuate the theatre’s posters and other promotional materials. Typography inspired by the theatre posters of the Belle Epoque, psychedelic inspiration and vintage magazines intermingle to complete these joyfully colourful compositions. The campaign is used on the theatre’s many media including posters, opening night invitations, video ads and commercials.